Uterine fibroids: benign tumors and oxidative stress association

In this article, I would like to talk about uterine fibroids, a disease unique to women. Uterine fibroids are a type of benign tumor. The other type is malignant tumor, which is cancer.


In this article, I discuss the relationship between uterine fibroids, a type of benign tumor, and oxidative stress.

Beware of Benign Tumors

Uterine fibroids are often found during medical checkups and gynecological examinations, and some people may think that they are safe because they are benign tumors and not malignant tumors.

However, please note that benign tumors are written as "benign," but they are not malignant and are not good for you.

Even benign tumors may interfere with the function of the original organ or contain some kind of lesion, depending on the location of the tumor. They can also become enlarged and change from benign to malignant. A good example of this is a benign tumor in the colon, which has a high chance of turning malignant, and the doctor may recommend surgery.

In the first place, cancer cannot be clearly detected until a part of the tumor is removed and the cells are checked by pathology. Most of the tumors that are diagnosed by doctors as benign tumors grow at a relatively slow pace and do not metastasize or invade.

Oxidative Stress and Tumors

The concept of a tumor is the same whether it is benign or malignant.

The first cause of tumors is cell miscopying.

In our body, 100 billion cells are reborn every day. To be reborn means to be replaced by new ones.

The new cells to be replaced are made by copying the body's original cells, but not all of them are perfect, and miscopies still occur.  About 5,000 miscopies, or the source of cancer, are produced every day. However, our body is equipped with an immune system that eliminates the miscopied cells.

However, when the body is rusty due to oxidative stress, the immune system that eliminates the miscopied cells makes an error and misses the miscopied cells.

The cells that are not eliminated become benign tumors or malignant tumors called "cancer".

Cancer cells that form in one part of the body fly far away and form in another part of the body, and grow larger and larger in that place, but uterine fibroids also start to grow in the place where they form and grow larger and larger, so you need to be careful.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key to prevention

As explained so far, cell miscopying occurs every day, but if the immune system is working properly, the miscopied cells will be eliminated. However, if the immune cells are damaged by oxidative stress, the immune system will not work properly and the miscopied cells will proliferate in the body, leading to the development of tumors.

In other words, to prevent uterine fibroids from forming, oxidative stress must be lowered.

This is just a few examples, but it has been confirmed that when patients with uterine fibroids are given something that effectively lowers oxidative stress, small fibroids disappear and large fibroids gradually become smaller.

In any case, it is very important to reduce rust in the body. This is very important.


Since uterine fibroids are benign tumors, it does not mean that you don't need to worry about them, but you should still check their progress properly through regular health checkups and gynecological examinations. If you are particularly worried about it, it is recommended that you see a specialist on a regular basis.

It is also important to keep in mind the importance of a lifestyle that does not allow the body to become rusty.